DPC 2018
Tracy and Kathryn attended to Thermo King Dealer Principal Conference in Marrakech, Morocco this year. The DPC brings together Thermo King dealers from Europe, Asia, Middle East and South Africa to discuss current affairs within the industry. The conference was full of exciting new innovations within the world of Transport Temperature Control which we cannot wait to share with you all.

Mint tea in the Medina, Marrakech
The conference also integrated Team Building activities between dealerships and some cultural exploration of Marrakech. We particularly enjoyed the mint tea!
The highlight of the DPC was undoubtedly the Thermo King Dealer Awards where our video “The Fast and The Refrigerated” was debuted. It received a standing ovation and huge round of applause, we are so proud!
Read our next blog to find out how Technical Transport Products performed on the night of the ThermoKing Awards…there were certainly some surprises!
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